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Breakthrough, Birman Productions pact on doc series

*** Original post can be found here. ***

Toronto’s Breakthrough Entertainment and Los Angeles-based Daniel H. Birman Productions have inked a deal to coproduce a doc series based on the Hinges of History books from American author Thomas Cahill.

The doc project, like the book series, looks at the beginnings of Western civilization by examining the stories of historical figures and peoples. Titles in Cahill’s Hinges of History book series include How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe; The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels, Mysteries of the Middle Ages and the upcoming How the Americans Saved Civilization.

The series will be exec produced by Dan Birman, Nat Abraham, Ira Levy, Michael McGuigan and Peter Williamson. Head of development and production at Birman Productions, Megan Chao, will serve as producer. Birman Productions and Breakthrough Entertainment worked with writer Angus Fraser to develop the series. A broadcaster is not yet attached to the project.

The deal between author Cahill and Birman Productions and Breakthrough was negotiated by Mitchell Silberberg and Knupp LLP. Breakthrough was represented in the negotiations by the company’s VP and general counsel Nghia D. Nguyen.


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